I am named a faculty scholar

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

For Immediate Release
Contact: Susan Edwards
2/12/2008 susan.edwards@ptk.org
Frederick Community College Faculty Selected
2008 Faculty Scholar

Jackson, MS - Dr. Kenneth Kerr, a member of the Frederick Community College faculty, was selected as a Faculty Scholar for the 2008 Phi Theta Kappa Faculty Scholar Conference and 2008 Phi Theta Kappa International Honors Institute.

Dr. Kerr is one of only 24 people who were selected for this honor from a large pool of applicants. Applicants must be Phi Theta Kappa advisors who have exhibited exceptional knowledge of the current Honors Study Topic, The Paradox of Affluence: Choices, Challenges, and Consequences, and demonstrated excellence in teaching. In addition to being selected as a Faculty Scholar, Dr. Kerr was also named the 2008 Parnell Scholar. This honor is given to one of the faculty scholars each year in recognition of excellence in incorporating the Honors Study Topic within the curriculum.

The Faculty Scholar Conference, sponsored in part by the National Endowment for the Humanities, was held at Phi Theta Kappa’s Center for Excellence in Jackson, Mississippi, January 30 –February 3, 2008. The Faculty Scholar Conference prepares the Faculty Scholars to serve as group facilitators at the Phi Theta Kappa International Honors Institute. Faculty Scholars heard presentations on a variety of issues concerning the paradox of affluence and participated in discussion groups throughout the four-day conference.

The annual International Honors Institute will be held at San Francisco State University (SFSU) in San Francisco, California June 16-21, 2008. During this conference, Dr. Kerr and the other Phi Theta Kappa Faculty Scholars will lead groups of 15-20 honor students in seminar discussions of the issues presented throughout the week.

Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society, headquartered in Jackson, MS, is the largest honor society in American higher education with 1,250 chapters on two-year and community college campuses in all 50 of the United States, Canada, Germany, the Republic of Palau, the Marshall Islands, Micronesia, the British Virgin Islands, the United Arab Emirates and U.S. territorial possessions. More than two million students have been inducted since its founding in 1918, with approximately 100,000 students inducted annually.

For more information on the 2008 Faculty Scholars and Phi Theta Kappa Honors Programs, contact Susan Edwards, Director of Honors Programs at 800.946.9995, ext. 3541.


99 said...

Congrats Ken!

We´re so excited about the Argentina chapter of democrats abroad. You know, yanquimike is the chairman...
With the numbers being so close, suddenly American abroad ballots became very important. It´s also the first time we could cast them electronically from all over the world.
We threw a huge party in Buenos Aires on Super Tuesday with 200 people and a voting center!

I hope life is great for you and Helen. (And we´re glad you didn´t forget the friends down-under)
Thanks for passing by my blog.


Anonymous said...

Congrats, Dr. K! Now if you'll just stop working we can go out and play!


Kat said...

Wow, Ken, good for you! Thanks for sharing!

One question though, how is it that you and Helen just keep getting cuter while the rest of us are just looking older? Must be the good living!


Chas said...

That's muh booy!

edu garcía said...

Hi Ken!!!
I'm Edu!

i'm traying to sent a mail to kate, but i can't and i don't know why?

can you send me her mail adrees to garciaedu@gmail.com ?

